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COVID-19 Survival Guide For Churches - Part 1

Ronnie Wambles

COVID-19. Coronavirus. These are strange times. This is uncharted territory.

Over the past few weeks, churches like yours have been scrambling to respond to rapid changes in our society.

Churches everywhere have figured out ways to deliver worship services online...many for the first time. They are exploring options for video conferencing small group meetings. They are identifying people with physical needs and finding ways to meet those needs in unique ways.

Thankfully, there have been scores of articles with helpful advice for solving many of these problems.

But church business must still go on.

You have bills to pay.

You have payroll to make.

Lots of decisions loom.

The information out there is overwhelming and constantly changing. It’s difficult to know what resources are available and applicable to your church.

So I decided to put together a “COVID-19 Survival Guide For Churches.” I’ve spent a lot of time collecting this information and will update it often, as things are changing rapidly.

Each day this week, I will post a blog with the latest information on the following subjects and links to helpful resources:

  • Government response and how it affects you

  • Virtual church business and communication

  • Maximizing church income during the pandemic

  • Managing church expenses during the pandemic

My goal here is to accumulate practical and helpful information for keeping your church in business during this extended time of “social distancing”.

My heart lies with the local church. My mission is always to help churches in any way I can.

Fortunately, we live in an age where you can easily and affordably reach people and do normal business through technology. So that’ll be a huge focus here.

I’ll also include information that can help individuals in your church, employees and congregants.

Keep in mind, this information is offered to you as a resource for convenience. You should do your own due diligence and research to find out how each of these things apply to you and your church. Seek guidance from a qualified expert, where appropriate.

One of my favorite resources is Church Law and Tax. They created a free page which will be updated regularly for navigating through legal and financial repercussions of COVID-19 fallout. To access that page, CLICK HERE. You may want to bookmark it.

Look for my blog tomorrow about the "Government Response and How It Affects You."

If you are on my email list, you'll receive a link as soon as it's posted.

If you are on not on my email list, sign up here and you'll also receive my free ebook: The Financially Healthy Church.

You can also follow our Snapbooks Facebook page for the latest information.


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